The First Step to Following Your Intuition
Apr 19, 2019Following your intuition means allowing the feelings in your body to guide you as a kind of internal GPS. It's actually our natural way of operating, but most of us have been conditioned out of it — we've been told to think with our heads our whole lives and we ignore what we're feeling in in our bodies.
So how do we get back there? First we need to remove things from our lives that are dragging us down. If you're in a relationship that exhausts you, go to therapy — and if you can't fix it, get out of it. If you have a job that's dragging you down, talk to your boss to try and solve the problem — and if you can't, quit.
It's easier sometimes to focus on what we don't like about our lives first. Our pipes are clogged up and we've got to start by removing the junk. Only then can we start recognizing what truly turns us on!
When you can begin tuning into what makes you feel alive, you’ll begin having more access to recognizing feelings inside your body and what they’re telling you. When’s the last time your gut told you something? Did you listen?
On the latest episode of the Chasing Joy Podcast, host Georgie Morley and I talk about trusting your gut, only following what turns you on, and how to learn from your mistakes without beating yourself up for them.
Click here to listen to the podcast!
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